![]() 11/19/2017 at 13:35 • Filed to: Rant, OH JOY ANOTHER RANT POST ABOUT SOMETHING NOBODY REALLY CARES ABOUT, just a little rant and then I'll be okay | ![]() | ![]() |
[I know, yet I don’t care. Venture within.]
Joss Whedon sucked the life out of Justice League to appease the studio, and now we are all paying for it. The love it or hate it essence of Zach Snyder has been erased almost completely just to get 1 daily extra screening per theater without attempting to make anything other than a serviceable movie for profit.
I rather have Snyder’s big budget arthouse films that pisses some people off for being too long to try to tell his story than this Disney-esque, ‘80's Saturday morning cartoon abomination that only little kids could enjoy. The movie is edited in such a way that you will feel sorry for everyone on screen. All of their hard work wasted on the cutting room floor.
“Josh Whedon’s” Justice League is the 2017 version off Byran Singer’s Superman Returns’ unrelenting sappiness and ill advised super child piano throw, all filter through Barney the purple dinosaur.
And the special effects/motion capture are no better than early 2000's Xbox/PlayStation 2 games.
When (or IF) Snyder returns, he will be digging out off a BIG hole made by Whedon, the producers, and the studio. And if you’re wondering, Patty Jenkins can’t fix this mess unless the studio execs get replaced.
Also, Whedon has apparently never heard of “Perception is reality”:
Update @ 3:34pm EST:
More shots fired:
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In case of Kinja’d: https://movieweb.com/justice-league-villain-tweet-joss-whedon-criticized/
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I’m definitely in the “love” Snyder camp. I think he engaged a lot of the same issues as age of Ultron and civil war, but in a way that wasn’t toothless and sanitized. I get that people don’t like seeing people die because of Superman, but I’ve been waiting my whole life to see movie where we don’t pretend that war doesn’t kill people if the people fighting it have super powers.
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Never forget: Batman kills (he also shoots and kills Parademons with their own guns)
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Click “continue without enabling”
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This was another thing that I didn’t really have that much of an issue with. Batman was never supposed to be a pacifist. It was supposed to be his way of upholding the law. In practice, this often looked like him blowing up vehicles and seeing contrived people crawling from the wreckage, as if he had somehow known that they would survive.
In truth, I think Batman’s “no guns no killing” rule is perhaps more relevant now than ever in the era of police who use violence as the solution to all situations. But I don’t have a problem with him offing some parademons (even in light of their being unwilling soldiers)
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counter hot-take - no matter who was directing, writing, or producing it, the studio as a whole was going to find a way to rip defeat from the jaws of victory. Batman/Superman whatever looked so much more like a generic action film than a Batman film. And this is what everyone forgets - the film was oriignally supposed to be a Batman film, with some appearances/help from Superman. But no, the hype and fan response around the idea that it could be Batman vs Superman more than likely pushed the powers that be to make it so.
I’ve seen Watchmen. Some flaws, for sure, but you can see that Snyder can do some sharp dialogue between “heroes” who have opposing values and viewpoints. And I get the distinct feeling that Snyder Batman was going to be a Batman who is a bit rough around the edges and is not as....heroic. So you;ve got Superman - the embodiment of good wholesome values - to counteract that at some parts. I can see it. But to make them fight and the conlcusion to the fight that seemed so out of place was just......blech. There are traces of SNyder in there, but it’s like he is the freshest, nicest sprig of parsley on a bland, overcooked chicken dish that was also crosspromoted with a coule of #Brands.
So now we’re back to my point which is that Whedon was never going to “save” this film and using him as some fall-man to explain away why the film is bad is weak. Whedon himself said he didn’t change too much. Most of the film was already shot and I hope that everyone learned some hard lessons from Suicide Squad about being stuck in reshoot hell.
If you don’t like Whedon, that’s your personal call, but this is still Snyder’s film. And even then.....it probably isn’t. Suckerpunch was one of the most ridiculous, spectacular, and over the top films that also smashed the back of your head in with fridge brilliance afterwards. I *know* Snyder can do better. I just don’t think he or anyone else is allowed to at this point. Honestly it’s a miracle that WW turned out so well.
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Now I wanna turn on Man of Steel to watch the Smallville & Metropolis battles, then BvS Ultimate to watch the desert shootout, Batman using cars as wrecking balls, and warehouse fight to save Martha Kent.
Just cleanse my pallet.
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I actually dig your counter argument* with a few exceptions:
I said the movie is MEH, not bad.
And I didn’t say I don’t like Joss Whedon. I really don’t like what he’s done with the footage Zach shot is my point. Then again, Kinja ate my link about the Twitter blowback.
Anyway, which version of Watchmen have you seen? I still haven’t moved past the theatrical version.
*Sucker Punch made me feel like I was watching a live action high school anime, but the pervy kind. I just couldn’t disconnect my mind from that.
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In case of Kinja’d: https://io9.gizmodo.com/zack-snyder-fans-petition-for-the-release-of-his-cut-of-1820586516
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Every superhero movie that doesn’t feature Michael Keaton, Hugh Jackman, or Deadpool IMO